Regular Board Meeting – Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 8:30 a.m.

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 8:30 A.M.
305 Olympic Valley Road, Community Room, Olympic Valley, CA

Finance Committee on June 25, 2024, at 8:00 A.M.
The Committee will review finance-related items on this agenda.
305 Olympic Valley Road, Room 212, Olympic Valley, CA

Public comments will be accepted by the Board in-person until the close of public comment on each item. Comments may also be submitted to the Board Secretary at [email protected] or by mail at P.O. Box 2026, Olympic Valley, California 96146. The final mail and e-mail collection will be the day before the meeting at 2:00 p.m. The public will be allowed to speak on any agenda item as it is considered, which may not be taken in the order stated herein. Times, where provided, are approximate only. The District’s Board of Directors may take formal action on any item.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Board Secretary at 530-583-4692 at least 48 hours preceding the meeting.

Documents presented for an open session to the governing body after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection at the District office during normal District business hours and at the meeting.

  1. Call to Order, Roll Call & Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Community Informational Items. These non-action agenda items are dedicated to facilitate communications and share information within the Olympic Valley.  The organizations include, but are not limited to:
    1. B-1   Olympic Valley Watershed Alliance
    2. B-2   Friends of Olympic Valley
    3. B-3   Olympic Valley Design Review
    4. B-4   Olympic Valley MAC
    5. B-5   Olympic Valley Mutual Water Co.
    6. B-6   Firewise Community
    7. B-7   Tahoe-Truckee Sanitation Agency
  3. Public Comment / Presentation.  Members of the public may address the board on items not on this agenda for up to three minutes; however, any matter that requires action by the governing body will, unless an emergency exists, be referred to staff for a report and possible action at a subsequent Board meeting.
    1. C-1   Fire Department Badge Pinning Ceremony
      Information Only: Formal ceremony honoring the hiring of Firefighter/Paramedic Hoover.
  4. Financial Consent Agenda.  All items listed under this agenda item will be approved by one motion.  These items are routine, non-controversial, and the finance-related items have been reviewed by the Finance Committee.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the audience, board, or staff requests the removal of an item for separate consideration.  Any item removed for discussion will be considered after approval of the remaining Consent Agenda items.
    1. D-1   Operating Account Check Register
    2. D-2   Tahoe Truckee Sierra Disposal 4th Quarter Payment
    3. D-3   CalPERS Annual Lump Sum Pre-payment of Employer Unfunded Liability
    4. D-4   Progress Payment – DOWL – OVPSD/OVMWC Emergency Intertie Project
    5. D-5   Progress Payment – CME Inc. – OVPSD/OVMWC Emergency Intertie Project
    6. D-6   Progress Payment – Longo Inc. – OVPSD/OVMWC Emergency Intertie Project
    7. D-7   Progress Payment – CME Inc. – Zone Three Tank Recoating Project
    8. D-8   Progress Payment – Olympus and Associates – West Tank Recoating Project
    9. D-9   Progress Payment – Bryce Consulting – Fire Department Compensation Study
    10. D-10   Progress Payment – Alpen Lily Web Studio – Website Redesign and Migration Project
    11. D-11   Progress Payment – Feather River Forestry – OV Fuel Reduction Project (OV-1)
    12. D-12   Progress Payment – Cross Check Services – Olympic Valley Fuel Reduction Project (OV-1)
  5. Approve Minutes
    1. E-1   Minutes for the Regular Board of Directors meeting of May 28th, 2024.
  6. Old and New Business. Members of the public may address the board on each agenda item, up to three minutes or longer based on direction from the Board President.
    1. 8:30 a.m. or as soon as the matter may be heard.
      F-1   PUBLIC HEARING: Approve FY 2024-2025 Budget
      Proposed Action:  Review item, accept public comment and approve FY 2024-2025 Budget by adoption of Resolution 2024-18.
    2. 8:30 a.m. or as soon as the matter may be heard.
      F-2   PUBLIC HEARING: Request Placer County to Collect Delinquent Charges.
      Proposed Action:  Review item, accept public comment and adopt Resolution 2024-19, requesting Placer County to collect delinquent charges.
    3. F-3   California Special Districts Association (CSDA) Election – Sierra Network.
      Proposed Action: Review item, accept public comment and cast a vote for one representative.
    4. F-4   Fire Department Long-Term Modeling.
      Information Only: Receive information on the status of the Fire Department, accept public comment, and provide direction to staff.
    5. F-5   Employee Services Sharing Agreement between Northstar Community Services District (NCSD) and Olympic Valley Public Service District
      Proposed Action: Review the item, accept public comment, approve the agreement with NCSD to share Fire Prevention Officer services, and authorize the General Manager to execute contractual documents.
    6. F-6   Fuels Management Program.
      Information Only: Review item and accept public comment.
  7. Management Status Reports
    1. G-1   Fire Department Report
    2. G-2   Water & Sewer Operations Report
    3. G-3   Engineering Report
    4. G-4   Administration & Office Report
    5. G-5   General Manager Report
    6. G-6   Legal Report (verbal)
    7. G-7   Directors Comments (verbal)
  8. Closed Session
    1. H-1   Closed Session – Conference with Labor Negotiators.
      Government Code Section 54957.6
      Agency designated representatives: Patrick Clark; Personnel Committee
      Employee Organization: IUOE Stationary Engineers Local 39 for Fire Department Personnel
    2. H-2   Closed Session – Conference with Legal Counsel; Anticipated Litigation
      Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code section 54956.9(d)(2)
      Number of potential cases: One
  9. Possible Action from Closed Session.
    1. I-1   Fire Department Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
      Proposed Action:  Review item, accept public comment and adopt Resolution 2024-20 approving the MOU with the International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39, for the Fire Department Personnel.
    2. I-2   Approve FY 20242025 Employee Salary Schedules.
      Proposed Action:  Review item, accept public comment and approve Employee Salary Schedules by adoption of Resolution 2024-21.
  10. Adjourn

Purpose Statement

The Olympic Valley Public Service District’s purpose is to assume leadership in providing high‐quality public services needed by the community.

Mission Statement

Olympic Valley Public Service District serves full‐time and part‐time residents, businesses, employees, and visitors in Olympic Valley. The mission is to provide leadership in maintaining and advocating for needed, high‐quality and financially sound community services for the Valley. These include, but are not limited to water, emergency services, and sewer and garbage collection.  The District will conduct its operations in a cost effective, conservation-minded, and professional manner, consistent with the desires of the community while protecting natural resources and the environment.