The Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Implementation and Water Meter Replacement Project is being implemented to support the District’s water conservation and customer service programs as well as replace aged residential, irrigation, and commercial water meters in the system. The District originally installed meters on all residential and commercial customers in 1998, making our system fully metered. The majority of our meters were installed at that time and are nearing the end of their useful life. Replacement of the meters will both ensure accurate readings and will allow for installation of updated technology, providing both efficiencies and more data to our customers.
The District started the replacement of all meters in the summer of 2023 and anticipates it will take approximately three construction seasons to complete all of the installations. Once the District’s Operators have changed out the meter at each property, a door hanger will be placed to alert the owner that a new meter has been installed and the EyeOnWater software is available.
After your new AMI water meter is installed, you can refer to our Water Meter Readings page for more information on how to use EyeOnWater to monitor your water usage.
Project Funding Partners
Funding for this project has been provided in part by Placer County Water Agency and the State Department of Water Resources through the Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014.