Evacuation Sequence and Information

  • How to get Evacuation Information
    • Go to placer.ca.gov, download the Everbridge app
    • Sign up for Olympic Valley Fire Dept’s Nixle notifications by texting 96146 to 888777
    • Listen to Local Radio
    • Sheriff vehicles in the neighborhood with Hi/Low sirens and PA speakers
  • Evacuation Notice:
    • A wildfire threat is in your area.
    • Review your evacuation plan, familiarize yourself with evacuation route alternatives, check your Go Bag
  • Evacuation Warning:
    • High probability of an evacuation order.
    • Prepare to evacuate. Assess your/family’s situation and consider evacuating
  • Evacuation Order:
    • Go! Evacuate by the specified time and route.
    • Take your family, pets, and necessary items and evacuate now
    • For Olympic Valley, take Olympic Valley Road to Highway 89; go to Truckee or Tahoe City whichever is away from the fire
    • Entering an area under an Evacuation Order is not permitted
  • Shelter in Place Order:
    • Stay in your home, if possible, until all is clear and then follow Sheriff’s direction
    • If time permits, fortify your home by moving flammable materials indoors or away from your house and close all vents (foundation, eve, gable). Close all windows and doors (exterior and interior) and deploy all window coverings
  • Note:
    • If unable to leave the Valley, drive to Palisades parking lot and wait there
    • Please evacuate early if asked to do so to avoid entrapment by the fire storm! Studies have shown that fatalities result from those who planned to leave, but waited too long and encountered conditions that were untenable, but that only a short time earlier had been safe for travel.
    • Drive so that you can be seen in the smoke
    • Drive with headlights ON, safely and slowly paying close attention to surroundings vehicle accidents cause delays, lead to confusion and possible fatalities.

Be prepared: it will likely be dark, smoky, windy and hot. There may be burning airborne and ground debris, no power, no telephone service and poor water pressure.

Remember, NOTHING you own is worth your life! PLEASE evacuate immediately when told to do so by firefighters or law enforcement officials!

OVFD Emergency Preparedness Resources

Recent Local Evacuation Presentations

Useful Links