Wildfire Preparedness

Located in the middle of tens of thousands of acres of wildland, with hundreds of wooden homes and commercial structures, the Olympic Valley community has a very high exposure to catastrophic wildfire losses.

High wildfire hazard conditions exist in most areas of the Olympic Valley Community. Nearly the entire Valley is within the “Very High Fire Severity Zone” as mapped by California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s Fire and Resource Assessment Program; and much of the community’s residential neighborhoods have high ladder fuel hazards as determined by LiDAR mapping and field surveys.

map with fire hazard zones


The highest-priority project in Olympic Valley is to reduce fuels and maintain low-flammability conditions around structures. Being prepared for wildfire by hardening your home, creating defensible space, removing green waste from your property, and understanding what to do in case of an evacuation is critical to allowing firefighters to safely and effectively defend your home from an oncoming fire.

Wildfire Prevention

The District continues to expand the Fire Department’s Fuels Management Program to prevent and reduce the impacts on the community from catastrophic wildfire. Two major components of the program include the preparation of the Olympic Valley Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) and securing funds to implement forest fuels reduction projects in forested areas in Olympic Valley and along the Truckee River corridor.

Informational Links

picture of fire from a distance