Stay tuned for future fundraisers supporting your Olympic Valley Fire Department!

Why we fundraise?

OVFD serves 14 square miles, including the community of Olympic Valley and the Hwy 89/Truckee River corridor from Alpine Meadows Road to just south of Cabin Creek Road. OVFD is an “All-Risk” agency, meaning whatever emergency you might have, we’re here for you. We also perform Fire Prevention, including plan review, public education, permitting, information dissemination, defensible space inspections, short-term rental, construction, and special events.

While none of this might be unique to today’s fire departments, what is unique is that OVFD does all of this with our line firefighters. These are the same individuals who show up when you are in need and also perform all prevention duties. Similarly, our front-line firefighters perform all our training, fleet and facility, and EMS administration duties. All of this while we maintain a very coveted Fire Department Class 2 ISO rating (1 being the highest rating and 10 the lowest).

What is also very unique, is that we do all of this on a budget that is derived solely from property taxes. We have no tax measures in place, and we have no other sustained or meaningful source of funding. These are truly tax dollars at work and provide an exceptional ROI! However, the reality is that with a fixed tax revenue vs. the ever-increasing cost of doing business, we are significantly challenged to continue to provide the community with the level of service that is not only expected but also deserved.

Please consider contributing to the efforts of Olympic Valley Fire Department to provide a level of service that matches this extraordinary mountain valley.

Ways to donate:

  • Through the Venmo the link provided HERE
  • Write a check made out to “Olympic Valley Firefighters Association” and mail it to PO box 2522, Olympic Valley, CA, 96146

All donations no matter the size are very much appreciated!